Registration / Abstract submission

1. Participants are eligible to present one presentation/poster during the conference.
2. The abstract submission will be treated as official registration for the conference.
3. The deadline for abstract submission is extended till Wednesday, April 1st, 2014.
4. Abstract should not be longer than one printing page (A4 format), according to the template available below.
5. All abstracts will go through review process before acceptance.
6. Abstract book will be available in conference materials.

Abstract Template

Please send your abstract by e-mail PhoBiA e-mail address together with the following information:
- name
- surname
- type of preferred presentation (oral/poster)
- institution
- address
- field of studies/area of research
- date and time of arrival/departure
- vegetarian or regular food
- data for invoice (if needed) - name, name of institution, address, Vat number

When you receive the confirmation of abstract acceptance, please make a payment.

Come to Wroclaw to enjoy 4 days of science exploration sessions.
We are waiting for You.
In case of any questions do not hesitate to write to PhoBiA e-mail address.