We are pleased to announce that our book of abstracts can now be found online, in the Lower Silesian Digital Library under this link.
ISBN 978-83-7493-270-7

We are pleased to announce that our book of abstracts can now be found online, in the Lower Silesian Digital Library under this link.
ISBN 978-83-7493-270-7
Presentation schedule is here! Please consult the file below to see your presentation time. This schedule is also available in the Conference programme tab (it may be quicker to access it with mobile phones 😉)
With the lovely spring weather inviting you to spend some time outside, you might have only just recently learned about our coming conference. To give you some time to polish your abstracts we are extending the registration deadline until 26.04.24!
We are also thrilled to announce the list of the speakers that have kindly accepted our invitations to the conference. Be sure to read up on their affiliations and scientific interests in the section we have prepared.